I'd propose a tut on mobile friendly HTML email messages.
I'm seeing a growing number of very valid emails coming from government
and corporate agencies which are very hard to read on my mobile device
because they haven't been constructed to scale correctly and cause the
client to render them in such a way to show horizontal messages while
reducing the text size down to something unreadable.
Do we also need a tut on the importance and value of 'testers'? I
understand that everyone here on this list understands the need for
testers and I don't need to sell that to you at all, but are you
confident to explain it to stakeholders in a way that gets the message
through the fog that exists between ears?
I see this as an important issue moving forward with our society moving
more and more to government information all being electronic.
To me, this is an operational issue because there is no validation to
our work as network providers if the content the users are getting
doesn't render in a meaningful way that causes stakeholders to revert to
Post by Joel WirÄmu PaulingJesus Daniel that's a lot of advertising in your signature.
+1 for SDN and another IPv6 course âº
Daniel Millarâ  â
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*Date: *Monday, 27 August 2018 at 1:20 AM
*Subject: *[nznog] NZNOG 2019 Workshop/Tutorials
Hi all
As part of NZNOG we normally offer a 3 day workshop (Mon to Wed)
and a few tutorials on the Wednesday.
APNIC have the following workshops/tutorials offered at the moment.
We're seeking feedback (on or off list) on what people may want.
Note, most recently we've had a 1 day Network Security tutorial
(Queenstown) and a 3 day MPLS workshop (Tauranga).
-3 day Network Security
-3 day Routing I
-3 day SDN (5 days condensed in to 3 days)
-3 day DNSSEC
-1 day IPv6 essentials
-1 day DNSSEC
-1/2 day BGP techniques
Or, what else would people like to see at NZNOG (workshop and
tutorial wise) that APNIC don't offer?
On-list discussion encouraged :)
NZNOG mailing list
NZNOG mailing list
Don Gould
5 Cargill Place
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: + 64 3 348 7235
Mobile: + 64 21 114 0699
Ph: +61 3 9111 1821 (Melb)
skype: don.gould.nz