[nznog] TICSA annual update required in November
2018-11-05 01:44:06 UTC

A reminder to all New Zealand Network Operators that it is November again, which means its time for your Designated Contacts to ensure the Chief Executive completes your annual TICSA update.

Complete the update here -- TICSA Registration Portal:

Information -- Police TICSA webpage:

Portal Issues -- Contact NZ Police TICSA Team:

TICSA Legislation - Link to the act:

Excerpt from the act:
69 Annual update
(1)          A network operator must give to the Registrar each year in November an annual update of information on the register relating to that operator.
(2)          The annual update must—
                (a) specify any changes to the information referred to in section 62 that have occurred since the network operator last gave information to the Registrar (whether in a notice under section 68, the previous annual update, or an application under section 61); and
                (b) confirm that, apart from the changes under paragraph (a), all other information referred to in section 62 that is currently held by the Registrar remains correct; and
                (c) be in the form (if any) required by the Registrar; and
                (d) be accompanied by a certificate signed by the chief executive of the network operator confirming that the information contained in the annual update is true and correct.
(3) An annual update does not need to be provided in the year during which this section comes into force.

Thank you

NZ Police TICSA Team.

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